Tips for Staying Positive While Creating Art

The creative process is just that – a process – meaning that there are ups and downs. Some days are not as easy as others. Maybe your creative juices are not flowing like they usually do, or maybe you just can’t find the right headspace. When art is a big part of your life, it’s important that creating remains a positive experience so your hobbies and your livelihood don’t turn into a chore. Here are some of our favorite tips for staying in high spirits while you create.

Tips for Staying Positive While Creating Art:

  • Celebrate the small victories: Acknowledging even your small accomplishments is a great way to keep spirits high, especially when creative block is impacting your creative process. Deciding what you want to create, picking the colors you want to use, gathering the supplies you need, and taking that first step are all examples of small victories. It’s important to remember that every step in your creative process is necessary to reach the finished product, so it’s okay to celebrate the small things.

  • Take breaks: At times, creating can be overwhelming or even exhausting. When the “process” part seems to outweigh the “creative” part, take a break, and let your mind and body have a chance to relax and recharge. Spend a little time on one of your hobbies, go for a walk, or even just take it easy for a little while. Sometimes the best creative ideas come when you stop focusing on the project and just let your mind wander. Being able to step away from your creative process for a bit can help you come back with a new energy or a new perspective that aids in completing your project. 

  • Find inspiration: When your creative process hits a roadblock, you just need to find some new inspiration. Is there a trending style you’ve been dying to try? Maybe one of your favorite artists made something recently that you can find inspiration from. Sometimes, even mundane things around your house can spark inspiration. Check out our blog about finding inspiration in everyday life for more tips on beating a creative block.

At the end of the day, remember that creating art is a process. If you feel stuck or overwhelmed, you’re not alone. Take a deep breath and give yourself some grace. Inspiration is all around you, breaks can breathe new life into a stressful project, and the small victories add up. You got this!

Having a dedicated space for art is extremely beneficial for inspiring the mindset of creativity. If you’re looking for an art studio to call your own, fill out an application to rent at Amfab.