Finding Inspiration in Daily Life

There’s only one thing worse than an interruption in the creative process -- no creative process at all! Creative block is the bane of every artist’s existence. Hours spent at the drawing board questioning what to do next or how to proceed is a frustrating and damaging experience when deciding what to create is more difficult than the creation itself. Sometimes the only place we can draw inspiration from is what we have around us.

First, remember that not every piece needs to be a masterpiece! Sometimes, the key to curing creative block is simply creating! When you make these pieces, remember that they are for yourself and your happiness, not just for the eyes of others. With that in mind, here are some of our favorite things to pull inspiration from when our creative brains decide to take a vacation:

Your environment

No matter where you are, you’re always somewhere. What does that place mean to you? Can you sketch the building you’re sitting in from a different perspective? Maybe the pencil next to you could serve as a great subject for a photograph. Perhaps the people around you can serve as a creative outlet, whether it be their physical features or just the energy they radiate. No matter what creative environment you’re in, there is plenty to draw inspiration from if you look.

Your home

Thinking of days long gone can bring forward some fond memories. Or maybe your current home is an oasis from your hometown. Now can be the time to put those memories and experiences to work. Create a piece of work that demonstrates what home means to you. Any piece of art that communicates what “home” is deeply sentimental to us as artists.

Your feelings

Art is a form of catharsis before anything else. Writing, dancing, drawing, creating, these are all outlets for our emotions. If creative block is making you frustrated, create something that represents your frustrations. If you’re excited for a new stage coming up in life, art is a great place for that too. Our art is a form of self-expression. Think of your creations as the personal journal of YOU!

Inspiration is within us and all around us if we remember to look. Creative block can be conquered with creation, but if creative block is stopping your process lately, make something for your eyes only. Remember that not every piece needs to be a masterpiece!