How to Time Manage Your Projects

Work. Chores. Family. Friends. Pets. There is so much that demands our time everyday that it can be hard to find time for ourselves and our art. With only 24 hours in a day, it is so easy for our art and our other passions to find themselves at the bottom of our priority lists. That said, it is important to make time to prioritize things that inspire us and help us find peace. If art is an essential part of your life like it is for us, here are a few things you can do to keep track of your life and make time for creative endeavors.

Set Goals

As cliché as it sounds, setting goals can actually be very helpful in the process of making art. Especially for those who take up art as a hobby, there really are no deadlines to motivate you. Making goals for yourself solves these problems! Setting goals in your professional and personal lives can also help you get into the swing of achieving your goals so you don’t just push your creative goals to the wayside, (hey, we were thinking it!) and remember to reward yourself for meeting your deadlines and achieving your goals! Just because there’s no fear of an approaching deadline doesn’t mean your work has to creep along slowly.

Create a Schedule That Works

We’ve all seen those videos of people using aesthetic bullet journals or iPad calendar apps. Those people just look SO organized all the time. Maybe you’ve even thought to yourself “maybe if I just had a planner like that…” Well as silly as you might think it is, maybe buying a more aesthetically pleasing (or at least easier to read) planner or calendar might actually help you to get things done. Time-blocking is a critical part in keeping your time organized, and if a well-organized or pretty planner would help you to keep to a schedule, it’s worth the investment! Book your time with things that will work for your personal schedule. For example, save your creative time for when you feel more energized throughout the day and plan those menial tasks that you can do on autopilot for when you know you’ll be a bit more tired and less inspired. 

Finally, remember to reassess your time management strategies every now and then. If any part of your routine isn’t functioning the way you want it to, then you can switch it up for something better. As far as schedules and setting goals, the key to success is making sure your routine works for you!

Looking for your very own studio to focus on achieving your artistic goals? Complete an application online for a space at AmFab today!